Do you want to gain a stronger bond with PSA? Are you eager to shadow and work with the board?
Then apply to be an Intern for the 2024-2025 school year!
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now CLOSED! Thank you and please check back again next fall for more internship opportunities.
Below are the detailed descriptions of the internship positions that PSA offers for the 2024-2025 school year!
The Secretary intern is tasked with using MailChimp to create and send out PSA’s weekly newsletter to update members about the week’s upcoming activities and important information. They will also maintain the PSA mailing list and add members to the contact list as needed. They will also be expected to collaborate well with other interns of varying board positions.
Current Chair: Pamela Castillo (
The position of a Treasurer intern is to help manage the club’s finances. This includes all membership dues, reimbursements, budgeting, and expenses. They collaborate with other board members to come up with their chair budgets at the start of every quarter along with creating budgets for other expenses such as shipping, giveaways, and allocating money for possible scholarships/end-of-the-year banquet.
Current Chair: Nico Lee (
The Outreach Chair intern is responsible for making external connections for PSA. They will find research, internship, or job opportunities for students to apply to for each weekly general meeting. The Outreach Chair is also in charge of the annual Career Networking Fair, including organizing the event and ensuring the event runs smoothly.
Current Chair: Emily Piza (
The Community Service Chair intern is responsible for leading a committee and planning volunteering events that not only involve giving back to the community but are also relevant to psychology. Events will range from drives, weekend volunteer opportunities, weekday service events, and anything creative they can bring to the table.
Current Chair: Elaine Nguyen (
The Webmaster intern is in charge of helping to manage everything that involves the website, such as news updates, slides, photos, files, and exclusive content. Therefore, they must be highly organized and know how to present large amounts of information in a condensed format. They will also develop clear methods to present large volumes of information concisely, assist in troubleshooting website issues, and maintain optimal performance.
Current Chair: Meera Odeh (
It is the Marketing Chair intern’s responsibility to effectively promote P.S.A throughout campus. This chair's duties include creating digital banners, taking photos, making decorations for events (i.e., End of the Quarter Socials), and managing social media (TikTok, Instagram, and Discord). It is crucial to collaborate with other board members and interns to make sure their events are fully publicized on campus.
Current Chairs: Taylor Nguyen ( and Jina Suhr (
The Project Coordinator intern is responsible for finding and networking with an external organization to collaborate with year-long upon consulting the Board. They handle all things related to this project which includes ensuring member engagement, tracking and maintaining volunteer hours, communicating with the external organization, and reporting all communication to the board and interns. Project Coordinator interns are in charge of planning and executing one general meeting.
Current Chairs: Zoya Sheikh ( and Megan Eng (
The Social Chair intern will help organize, promote, and maintain control of ice-breakers, social events, and after-events on and off campus. Social events and icebreakers are made for the purpose of new and current members to interact with each other and have fun while forming new connections and friendships in the process.
Current Chairs: Ivan Barajas ( and Allison Hwang (