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Child Narratives Lab - Dr. J. Zoe Klemfuss

Research in the Child Narratives Lab focuses on how social context and individual differences influence children's reports about past events. More specifically, they address questions about how the conditions under which children experience events and the conditions in which they are asked to remember those events influence what and how they recall. They are also interested in studying how individual differences in cognitive and narrative skills contribute to children's abilities to report about events they've experienced.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0

  • Willing to commit to completing a minimum of 10 hours of work per week for a minimum of 12 months (including summer)

  • To apply, students can complete the application on their website and email it to along with a resume or CV

  • Apply at the end of the quarter and a member will contact you at the beginning of the following quarter to schedule an interview.

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